Tender phase: Call for tenders regarding contract on delivery, operation and maintenance of a passenger counting system


2020-11-27 11:29 (GMT+01:00)
2020-12-09 09:00 (GMT+01:00)


Trafikselskabet Movia Trafikselskabet Movia
Andreas Knop Andreas Knop
GL. Køge Landevej 3
2500 Valby

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The Contracting Authority, Trafikselskabet Movia, hereby calls for tenders regarding a contract on delivery, operation and maintenance of a passenger counting system.

Detta är steg 2 i en tvåstegs upphandling. Klicka på den här länken för att se förkvalificeringen och relaterade dokument: Prequalification: Call for tenders regarding contract on delivery, operation and maintenance of a passenger counting system

Dokument (klicka på filnamnet för att ladda ner)

Namn Filstorlek
Appendix 0 - Definitions.pdf 244 KB
Appendix 01 - Time schedule.doc 354 KB
Appendix 02 - Requirements specification.pdf 513 KB
Appendix 2A - Enumeration.pdf 320 KB
Appendix 2B Overview of buses and garages.pdf 350 KB
Appendix 2B Overview of buses.xlsx 133 KB
Appendix 2C - Data proofing.pdf 287 KB
Appendix 2D - Daily reports.pdf 460 KB
Appendix 03 - Schedule of payments and prices.pdf 121 KB
Appendix 04 - Solution description.doc 158 KB
Appendix 05 - The Customers IT environment.pdf 462 KB
Appendix 5A Data Transfer Specification.zip 157 KB
Appendix 06 - Customers participation.doc 376 KB
Appendix 07 - The Supplier’s description of maintenance.doc 375 KB
Appendix 08 - Test.pdf 164 KB
Appendix 09 - Termination Services.pdf 334 KB
Appendix 11 - Project and service management organization.doc 278 KB
Appendix 12 - Procedure for changes.pdf 202 KB
Appendix 13 - Specification of options.pdf 262 KB
Appendix 14 - Data processing agreement.doc 369 KB
Appendix A.DOCX 95 KB
Appendix B.DOCX 98 KB
Appendix 2E - Fulfilment of Requirements Matrix.xlsx 20 KB
Appendix 3A Price list.xlsx 140 KB
Appendix 10 - Service levels.pdf 481 KB
Contract for delivery maintenance and operation of passenger counting system.pdf 378 KB
Tender conditions.pdf 365 KB

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