Mega Opportunities: Connectivity and Public Safety Consultant for Latin America


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
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2020-05-27 09:44 (GMT+02:00)


Business Finland Oy Business Finland Oy
Milla Harju Milla Harju
PL 358
00180 Helsinki


Business Finland has, previously under the Digital Ecosystems team, worked on a number of long term Business Opportunities in Latin America. A number of these projects are on-going and a few new ones are under preparation. Business Finland decided to start a new initiative from 1 January 2020 called Mega Opportunities under which these Latin American projects are now transferred to. Mega Opportunities has as one of its main strategic activities Digitalizing Latin America. The aim is to enable sustainable and substantial business growth for Finnish companies whilst enabling the receiving countries to speed up their development in a sustainable and wider socioeconomic manner.

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