RFI — Resource Vehicle


01 - Förhandsmeddelande
Ej tillämpligt
2020-04-09 09:35 (GMT+02:00)


Politiets Fellestjenester Politiets Fellestjenester
Luc Martin Luc Martin
Rognebakken 8
2770 Jaren

Kort beskrivning

Norwegian Police Shared Services (Norwegian abbreviation PFT) is announcing this request for information (RFI). We would like feedback on the supplier market for SUVs and other large vehicles. The main aim is to receive more information on what the market will and can offer, in order to improve our coming procurements. Norwegian Police Shared Services (Norwegian abbreviation PFT) is announcing this request for information (RFI). We would like feedback on the supplier market for SUVs and other large vehicles. The main aim is to receive more information on what the market will and can offer, in order to improve our coming procurements. The Norwegian police currently has approx. 60 ‘resource vehicles’. These vehicles are mainly uniformed SUVs. Resource vehicles have high requirements as regards capacity, speed, weight qualities, interior volume and terrain driving.

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