Multi-disciplinary Consultancy Services for Copenhagen Future Rail Network


04 - Periodiskt meddelande – försörjningssektorerna
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2020-01-24 09:47 (GMT+01:00)


Milica Milutinovic
Telegade 2
2630 Taastrup

Kort beskrivning

There is a political agreement from 2017 to replace the current semiautomatic/GOA2 S-trains with a new generation of S-trains which must be a fully automated/GOA4 operation. As part of the automation programme also a restructuring of the organisation around the Copenhagen S-bane will take place. The vision for the S-network: to deliver attractive mobility for customers to accommodate the population growth in the Danish capital region while securing financial and sustainable efficiency. The existing S-train fleet will reach its planned technical end-of-line in the years 2026-36. From 2028 and app. 10 years ahead new driverless S-trains must therefore be set in operation in parallel with the current conventional S-trains are being phased out of operation. Transforming the 85-year-old railway for a driverless system constitutes a highly complex and extensive conversion programme.

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