Customs procedures, warehousing and domestic transportation of Metsä pavilion wooden elements


Öppet förfarande
2019-10-30 08:39 (GMT+01:00)
2019-11-13 15:00 (GMT+01:00)


Business Finland Oy Business Finland Oy
Business Finland Oy Business Finland Oy
Vilma Jussila Vilma Jussila
Porkkalankatu 1 (PL 358)
00181 Helsinki

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Kort beskrivning

Metsä Pavilion, Finland’s National Hospitality House for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games will be built on the premises of the Embassy of Finland, Tokyo. The pavilion will open in the end of June and after the Tokyo 2020 games, it will operate as a versatile event venue until end of 2020.

The elements of the pavilion are built in Finland and transported in sea containers to Yokohama port, Japan. From here, the containers need to be cleared in customs, stored temporarily and transported to the Embassy of Finland where the pavilion will then be installed.

The tenders are requested to the e-mail address:

Dokument (klicka på filnamnet för att ladda ner)

Namn Filstorlek
Contract_draft_.docx 102 KB

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