Framework Agreement for the Procurement of Software and Subscription Services


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Öppet förfarande
2019-10-01 09:40 (GMT+02:00)


Jernbanedirektoratet Jernbanedirektoratet
Benita Rozanna Almestad Fjellstad
Postboks 16 Sentrum
0101 Oslo
916 810 962


The delivery consists of the procurement of licences for the areas specified in Annex 1. The delivery also includes signing contracts, negotiations and any renegotiations with software manufacturers, and general customer advice for the licence portfolio and software versions, in accordance with the contract. The framework agreement will not cover licences that naturally come under the procurement of hardware or where a maintenance contract has been signed/entered into together with the procurement and development of trade systems. Jernbanedirektoratet intends to enter into a framework agreement with one 1 tenderer. The contract period will be three (3) years, with an option for a further one (1) + one (1) year. See the tender documentation for further information.

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