Market Dialogue for Plastic Waste Recycling and Non-Biomass Based Cooking


01 - Förhandsmeddelande
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2019-10-01 09:46 (GMT+02:00)


CARE Danmark CARE Danmark
Morten Fauerby Thomsen
Jemtelandsgade 1
2300 Copenhagen S

Kort beskrivning

Plastic waste recycling and local manufacturing of products made from the recycled plastic: this project seeks to develop/introduce a solution, by which plastic waste is collected, recycled and the material used to produce new products, based on renewable energy technology, combined in a mobile/movable building/unit. The process line must include solutions which processes the recycled plastic and enable manufacturing of new locally commercially viable products or commodities (e.g. chicken wire, baskets, etc.). Non-biomass based cooking in Ugandan refugee settlement: this project seeks to develop/introduce a solution, by which cooking is enabled without the use of bio-based material, in such a way that it is economically viable for refugees to purchase. The solution(s) and implementation process should target both practical and cultural aspects of cooking.

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