2 Fermentation Systems with Stainless Steel Vessels and 6 Fermentation Systems with Glass Vessels. (1)


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
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2019-09-27 09:29 (GMT+02:00)


Danmarks Tekniske Universitet — DTU Danmarks Tekniske Universitet — DTU
Alexi Burns-Tang Christian Torrendrup
Anker Engelunds Vej 1
2800 Kgs. Lyngby


DTU is currently building a big fermentation infrastructure, which, in the long run, will accommodate many fermenters, from bench to pilot-scale, carrying out a wide array of biological transformations. So we would like to be able to work in parallel with fermentation systems that are controlled automatically and independently from each other and have the possibility to accommodate fermentations with different types of microbes and substrates (including gasses) and a very broad variety of operation conditions. Within this frame we are purchasing 2 fermentation systems with stainless steel vessels and 6 fermentation systems with glass vessels. The contract is divided into the following lots: Lot 1: 2 fermentation systems with stainless steel vessels; Lot 2: 6 fermentation systems with glass vessels.

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