Acquisition of a Olympus IXplore ScanR system


15 - Meddelande om frivillig förhandsinsyn
Förhandlat förfarande utan föregående offentliggörande
2019-09-20 09:30 (GMT+02:00)


University of Copenhagen University of Copenhagen
Nørregade 10
1165 Copenhagen K


We intend to procure an Olympus IXplore High-Content Screening system for high-throughput microscopy. The product is intended for the protein imaging platform, a microscopy facility at CPR with approx. 100 users in the next 5 years. The platform already has 2 such microscopes, but these are chronically overbooked (11 h per workday per microscope) and the demand is rising steeply. A third microscope (with additional confocal imaging options) will help overcome this bottleneck.

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