DSB Purchase of Complete DD Air Spring Systems


06 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt – försörjningssektorerna
Förhandlat förfarande
2019-08-28 09:27 (GMT+02:00)


DSB Vedligehold A/S DSB Vedligehold A/S
Natalija Matic Natalija Matic
Telegade 2
2630 Taastrup


DSB has chosen to purchase complete air spring systems for the DD fleet consisting of 184 bogies. In total, DSB needs to procure 368 complete air spring systems; 196 complete air spring systems for DD1-2 bogies and 172 complete air spring systems for DD3 bogies. Originally DD1-DD2 have PHOENIX SEK 680-10 secondary spring systems installed and DD3 has Phoenix SEK 680-11 installed. DSB is tendering for one supplier that can deliver original ‘or equivalent’ air spring systems.

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