Planned Procurements in 2019 for Customers in Söderberg and Partners' Public Sector Department


01 - Förhandsmeddelande
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2019-07-25 09:36 (GMT+02:00)


Söderberg and Partners AS Söderberg and Partners AS
Janniche Holterman
Postboks 1954, Moholt
7448 Trondheim
986 187 960

Kort beskrivning

Prior information notice with an overview of what procurements Söderberg and partners' public sector department will make in 2019. Separate contests will be published for each of the procurements that tenderers register an interest in. Söderberg and partners would, however, like tenderers who would like to participate in some of the contests described in this prior information notice, to register their interest and state which contests they will participate in.

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