Local Boat Route in Osterfjorden


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Förhandlade förfaranden under konkurrens
2019-07-15 09:36 (GMT+02:00)


Skyss Skyss
Bjørn Erik Linde Bjørn Erik Linde
Postboks 7900
5020 Bergen
992 051 825


The objective of the procurement is to enter into a net contract with operators of local boat routes for the Osterfjorden. The boat route serves the municipalities Vaksdal, Osterøy and Lindås and has 20 stops along the Osterfjorden and Vea fjorden between Stamnes, Vikanes and Tyssebotn. The annual subsidy for the Osterfjord route is currently 1 300 000 NOK. Ticket revenues come in addition and go directly to the operator (net contract). Ticket revenues in 2017 amounted to approx. 53 000 NOK. It is assumed that the rout can be operated within the current cost framework.

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