A Tool to Make Software Available


02 - Meddelande om upphandling
Öppet förfarande
2019-05-24 09:39 (GMT+02:00)
2019-06-25 12:00


Buskerud fylkeskommune Buskerud fylkeskommune
Maaikel Reiber
Hauges gate 89
3019 Drammen
974 644 614

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

On behalf of the pending Viken fylkeskommune [Viken County], Buskerud fylkeskommune [Buskerud County] is procuring a tool to make software available for employees and students of Viken fylkeskommune [Viken County]. The content and scope of the procurement The objective of the procurement is to obtain a user-friendly tool that creates a simple work method in regard to availability of software for users in Viken County, regardless of digital unit, operative system and ownership. The procurement concerns delivery of a tool to make software available via an applications portal/platform for students and employees of Viken County. See the requirement specifications, for further information on the procurement.

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