Procurement of Welfare Technology


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Förhandlade förfaranden under konkurrens
2019-02-21 09:37 (GMT+01:00)


Interkommunale IKT-tenester Nordhordland Interkommunale IKT-tenester Nordhordland
Bjørn Tore Vaktskjold Bjørn Tore Vaktskjold
Hagellia 6
5914 Isdalstø
864 338 712


The municipalities in the Nordhordland region have entered into a cooperation in the form of a project on the development of good services and competence-building as regards new technology and tomorrow's care services. The Nordhordland project — together for welfare technology includes Austrheim, Fedje, Gulen, Lindås, Masfjorden, Meland, Modalen, Osterøy, Radøy and Vaksdal municipalities. Masfjorden municipality is the responsible for the project. Os, Fusa, Gulen and Austevoll municipalities will enter into a cooperation for the procurement with the municipalities in the Nordhordland region. The cooperation is formalised through an affiliation agreement with Osterøy municipality. The deliveries in this tender shall include, amongst other things: — safety alarms/sensors, — medication support, — localisation technology, — electronic door locks, — patient signalling installations, — platform for alarm reception services. The municipalities that shall cooperate on the procurement of this currently have different starting points as regards systems that are already used, current needs and planned measures that include technical welfare systems.

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