Tentative annual cycle TRV 2019


08 - Meddelande om upphandlarprofil
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2019-02-15 09:38 (GMT+01:00)


Trondheim Renholdsverk AS Trondheim Renholdsverk AS
Jeanette Rendal Jeanette Rendal
Heggstadmoen 53
7004 Trondheim
988 964 573

Kort beskrivning

Trondheim Renholdsverk AS would like to announce its annual cycle for 2019, so that the market has equal opportunity to see what procurements the contracting authority will make in 2019. In this way the contracting authority will be able to map the legal competence of potential tenderers in associated companies for all its procurements and thus safeguard Trondheim Municipality. The following annual cycle has been mapped for Trondheim Renholdsverk AS in 2019: EE waste (MARCH) Service contracts HVAC and sanitation, recycling station (MARCH) Parallel framework agreement for vehicles (MARCH) Procurement of a refuse collection vehicle (MARCH) SMS notifications (APRIL) Metal waste (APRIL) Handling dead animals (APRIL) GPS electronic collection system (MAY) Security guard services and security centre (MAY) Cardboard shredder (JUNE) Mini recycling station (JUNE/JULY) Automated FA container (JUNE/JULY) Homepage and app (OCTOBER) There can be changes and procurements can be withdrawn or added. Updates will be made available on the corporation's homepage www.trvgruppen.no.

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