Mia Bjerring Birkebæk

Fuldmægtig, cand. jur.


Titel Sista anbudsdag
Udvikling og køb af nye, innovative motorredningsbåde til Kystredningstjenesten
Udvikling og køb af nye, innovative motorredningsbåde til Kystredningstjenesten 2020-11-11 13:00
Udvikling og køb af nye, innovative motorredningsbåde til Kystredningstjenesten
Udvikling og køb af nye, innovative motorredningsbåde til Kystredningstjenesten 2018-10-30 16:00
Udvikling og køb af nye, innovative motorredningsbåde til Kystredningstjenesten
Development and the possible purchase of 3 new innovative All Weather Rescue Boats for the Danish Coastal Rescue Service
Development and the Possible Purchase of 3 New Innovative All Weather Rescue Boats for the Danish Coastal Rescue Service 2018-02-02 13:00
BAFO - Acquisition of two Hydrographic Survey Vessels
BAFO — Acquisition of 2 Hydrographic Survey Vessels.
Variable Messager Format Improved Data Modems til RDAF-16.
Tactical Air Navigation Stations (TACAN stations) and TACAN Flight Inspection System (TACAN FIS).
The acquisition of 1 (one) Station Vessel. 2017-10-17 13:00
Acquisition of Underwater Sound Signals with explosive charge
Bidding Round - Acquisition of integrated Audio/Video switching Solutions
Acquisition of Underwater Sound Signals with explosive charge 2017-05-24 13:00
Acquisition of two Hydrographic Survey Vessels 2017-06-23 12:00
Acquisition of two Hydrographic Survey Vessels.
Acquisition of integrated Audio/Video switching Solutions. 2017-03-23 08:00
Acquisition of integrated Audio/Video switching Solutions 2017-03-23 08:00
Acquisition of two Hydrographic Survey Vessels 2017-03-09 09:00
Acquisition of two Hydrographic Survey Vessels. 2017-03-09 09:00
Udnyttelse af option vedr. ECPINS softwareopdatering.
Anskaffelse af ECPINS softwareopdatering.
Softwareopdatering af Skydebane Styresystem GRC120.
Acquisition of Anti Submarine Warfare Tactical Decision Aid software 2016-08-29 12:00
Acquisition of All Weather Rescue Boats
Softwareopdatering af Skydebane Styresystem GRC120.

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