English language courses for the Norwegian Parliament(Stortinget)


English language courses for the Norwegian Parliament(Stortinget)
Christian R. Sundelin


Not applicable
Not Applicable
30 dagar netto


Every year, from the end of the parliamentary session in mid-June to the start of the new session in early October, the Storting provides the
option of individual language training courses for MPs in English. Course duration is one week. The individual language training courses are
popular among those MPs who would like to work intensively on their professional language skills.

The agreement includes the delivery of individual language training courses for MPs in English and full board accommodation. The agreement will be
effective for courses starting 15th June 2024 onwards.
We estimate the annual number of participants on the courses to be between two and ten MPs.


Namn Primär kontakt Telefon
York Associates International Ltd Bob Dignen +44 19 04 62 42 46

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