Avinor AS Oslo Airport Gardermoen opened in 1998 with one weather radar. This is an S-band radar and was delivered by Alenia/Selex together with a primary and secondary radar. This radar will be replaced with a new primary and secondary radar in 2020. Without a weather channel. Avinor will separate these two systems. We have now a mobile weather radar from Selex- Gematronik hired in from Met Norway in operational use. The intention of this contract is to replace the mobile weather radar.
Dato for kontraktstildeling: 11-12-2018
Antall mottatte tilbud: 2
Kontaktpunkt for leverandøren som har blitt tildelt kontrakten:
Selex ES GmbH, Raiffeisenstrasse 10, 41470 Neuss, DE, E-post:
e.stevens@selex-es-gmbh.com, Nettadresse (URL):