PPP Project — New Cinema and Library

Информация о тендерe

02 - Contract notice
Competitive procedure with negotiation
23.01.2019 9:29 (GMT+01:00)
04.02.2019 12:00

Информация о покупателе

Harstad kommune Harstad kommune
Lene Saue Lene Saue
Postmottak, postboks 1000
9479 Harstad
972 417 971

Closing date has passed.

Информация о тендере

The Contracting Authority hereby call for tenders with negotiations for the award of a contract regarding development, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of the PPR (Public-private partnership) project new cinema and library in Harstad municipality.

Mercell Holding AS

Part of the Mercell Group, one of Europe’s leading providers of e tender systems and information between buyers and suppliers in the professional market.

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