School Transport Outsied of Routes, 2018, Bergen, Os, Osterøy, Fjell, Sund, Øygarden, Askøy and Austevoll

Информация о тендерe

Competitive procedure with negotiation
20.12.2017 9:26 (GMT+01:00)
24.01.2018 12:00

Информация о покупателе

Skyss Skyss
Bjørn Erik Linde Bjørn Erik Linde
postboks 7900
5020 Bergen
992 051 825

Closing date has passed.

Информация о тендере

Tenderers are hereby invited to a competition for passenger transport outside of scheduled routes. Transport includes students in primary and lower secondary school and sixth form college who have the right to free school transport, but where the student for various reasons cannot utilise the scheduled route transport.

The transport will be from the student’s Home address or agreed meeting place as the terms are defined in the contract, to and from school. Coordination shall be carried out.

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