Surgical drills and saws for the surgical section, Health Fonna Health Trust.

Информация о тендерe

Open procedure
06.10.2017 9:33 (GMT+02:00)
13.11.2017 12:00

Информация о покупателе

Sykehusinnkjøp HF Sykehusinnkjøp HF
Magne André Karlsen Magne André Karlsen
Tollbugata 7
9800 Vadsø

Closing date has passed.

Информация о тендере

The contracting authority requests tenders for six surgical drills and saws for use in connection with operations at the surgical section, Stord Hospital, Health Fonna Health Trust. Option for the delivery of more drills and saws, as well as entering into a framework agreement on equipment dependent consumables. The framework agreement will be valid as long as the equipment is in use.

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