Sykehusinnkjøp HF 916 879 067 Hermetikken Tollbugata 7 Vadsø 9800 Ragnhild Fanebust +47 90934304 FDG for PET-scan. 2016/400 Stavanger Health Trust c/o department for radiology at Stavanger University Hospital intends to enter in to a framework agreement with GE Healthcare AS for Steripet (F-18-FDG), 18F-2'-fluoro-2'-deoxyglukose. Intended use: Diagnosing by use of PET (positron emisjon tomografi). Purpose: to provide a good diagnostic image. Stavanger University Hospital will need delivery of FDG every week. 15000000.00 Stavanger Health Trust c/o department for radiology at Stavanger University Hospital intends to enter in to a framework agreement with GE Healthcare AS for Steripet (F-18-FDG), 18F-2'-fluoro-2'-deoxyglukose. Intended use: Diagnosing by use of PET (positron emisjon tomografi). Purpose: to provide a good diagnostic image. Stavanger University Hospital will need delivery of FDG every week. SteriPET is a radioactive preparation with half the time, 109 minutes. The preparation's shelf life is 10 hours from the completed synthesis. Due to its short shelf life, the supplier is the only company that can deliver the product. The supplier is a manufacturer of radioactive pharmaceutical, which has a manufacturing licence for F-18-FDG SteriPET. GE Healthcare AS also has a licence for wholesaler activities that applies to radiopharmaceuticals with direct distribution of 18F-FDG. This performance can thus be only managed by a particular supplier, cf. Anskaffelsesforskriften §13-4 b) paragraph 2. The contract will be signed 13.2.2017. Any objections are to be sent to within this date. Steripet 2017-01-31 Ge Healthcare AS Nycoveien 1-2 Oslo 0485 15000000.00 Sykehusinnkjøp HF Vadsø 2017-02-01
See tender at TED: