Questions about the information in tender documents concerning acquisition of electrical busses and infrastructure in Busselskabet Aarhus Sporveje.

Информация о тендерe

Not applicable
04.01.2017 10:33 (GMT+01:00)

Информация о покупателе

Busselskabet Aarhus Sporveje Busselskabet Aarhus Sporveje
Jegstrupvej 5
8361 Hasselager

Информация о тендере

Short information about the tender procedure.

Busselskabet Aarhus Sporveje wants to acquire a certain number of electric buses and associated infrastructure, including the servicing of the purchased. The buses will run on a specific route with at a charger at both ends of the route. The route will have a length of approximately 16 km. Distance from depot to the start of the route is approximately 5 km.

We intend to make a functional tender, in which we will describe the task but not how to solve it. The information in the tender documents will therefore be on how to solve the task with details about the route, time schedules, bus size etc. And in order to make the most suitable tender, we have some questions for potential suppliers.


Subject: Technology and service.

1. What kind of facilities are required at our own garage with regard to service and maintenance? (clarification of the potential need for a modification of Busselskabet Aarhus Sporveje’s garage)

2. What information do bidders need from Busselskabet Aarhus Sporveje in order to offer a service agreement?

3. What is the best place for the pantograph — on the bus or at the charger stand?

4. What are the requirements for interface? Are there any industry standards for the interface (charging stations, pantograph etc.)? Could it be beneficial to request a particular model/standard?

5. What is the best distribution of tasks and responsibilities among Busselskabet Aarhus Sporveje, bus supplier and infrastructure supplier regarding agreements e.g. service agreements?

Subject: Tendering requirements.

6. Are there any circumstances that we need to pay special attention to when drawing up the tendering requirements?

Subject: Operational management.

7. Are there any circumstances that we need to pay special attention to with regard to the length of the operating time, the initial phase of putting the buses into operation and, if so, which?

Subject: Division of tender.

8. Should we aim for a contract divided into lots with regard to the delivery of buses and infrastructure?


Answers to the above questions should be sent to the email address by Monday 23.1.2017 at the latest.

Mercell Holding AS

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