Expenditure Verification of an EU-funded Project

Информация о тендерe

15.10.2024 15:24 (GMT+02:00)
22.10.2024 16:00 (GMT+02:00)

Информация о покупателе

Viešosios įstaigos "Europos Humanitarinis Universitetas" filialas BEROC-IPM Ekonomikos ir verslo mokykla Viešosios įstaigos "Europos Humanitarinis Universitetas" filialas BEROC-IPM Ekonomikos ir verslo mokykla
Maryia Dubavitskaya Maryia Dubavitskaya
Vilniaus g. 31
LT-01402 Vilnius

Closing date has passed.

Информация о тендере

The branch of European Humanities University (EHU), the BEROC-IPM School of Economics and Business (BISEB), and EHU are seeking a qualified auditor to conduct an expenditure verification and submit reports in connection with a European Union co-funded grant contract.

The project, titled "Establishment of EHU branch 'BEROC-IPM School of Economics and Business (BISEB)'", is being implemented from February 5, 2024, to June 30, 2026. Its goal is to introduce new degree and non-degree education programs in the fields of Economics and Business. Expenditure verification will be conducted in three phases, corresponding to the submission of interim and final reports.

Detailed requirements, criteria for selecting a verifier and terms of reference can be found in the attached documents.

For any questions regarding the announcement, you may contact: info@biseb.org

For any questions regarding the technical issues, you may contact: tel: +370 673 88676, lietuva@mercell.com

Закупочная документация

Название Объем
Annex 1. Expenditure Verification_Details and Criteria.pdf 95 KB
Annex 2. Expenditure Verification_Terms of Reference.pdf 257 KB

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