Video Surveillance System (equipment and installation)

Информация о тендерe

23.09.2024 7:08 (GMT+02:00)
25.09.2024 11:00 (GMT+02:00)

Информация о покупателе

Viešosios įstaigos "Europos Humanitarinis Universitetas" filialas BEROC-IPM Ekonomikos ir verslo mokykla Viešosios įstaigos "Europos Humanitarinis Universitetas" filialas BEROC-IPM Ekonomikos ir verslo mokykla
Maryia Dubavitskaya Maryia Dubavitskaya
Vilniaus g. 31
LT-01402 Vilnius

Closing date has passed.

Информация о тендере

Public Institution European Humanities University branch “BEROC-IPM School of Economics and Business” is seeking a supplier(s) for a video surveillance system. We are planning to purchase the following complex of equipment and installation works:
  • IP cameras (16 units)
  • Network Video Recorder (1 unit)
  • UPS Rack Mount (1 unit)
  • 16-port PoE switch (1 unit)
  • Other elements of the system (HDD for NVR 6TB audio/video (3 units), UTP cat 5 cable (150 meters), HDMI cable 15 meters (2 units), other necessary installation materials) 
  • Installation works

Detailed requirements, criteria for selecting a supplier, proposal evaluation stages can be found in the attached documents.

You may submit commercial proposals for all types of products and works collectively only.

For any questions regarding the announcement, you may contact: 

For any questions regarding the technical issues, you may contact: tel: +370 673 88676, 

Закупочная документация

Название Объем
Annex 1. Cameras_Technical Specifications and Requirements (3).pdf 126 KB
Annex 2. Cameras_Document with Сriteria for Selecting a Supplier.docx (1).pdf 101 KB

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