Study on the Quality of Life of Cancer Patients and Survivors

Информация о тендерe

01 - Prior information notice
Not applicable
03.08.2023 9:28 (GMT+02:00)

Информация о покупателе

European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA), HADEA.A.2 – EU4Health/SMP Food European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA), HADEA.A.2 – EU4Health/SMP Food
COV2, Place Charles Rogier 16
1210 Brussels

Информация о тендере

Study on the quality of life of cancer patients and survivors. The subject of this call for tenders is to conduct research across all 27 EU Member States, Iceland and Norway, to identify common measures and indicators across countries that can be used to monitor the level of cancer patients’ and survivors’ progress on quality of life. On the basis of the identified indicators and evidence collected, the study will document and analytically discuss the major inequalities detected across countries concerning the quality of life of cancer patients and survivors and how this issue is addressed. Recommendations will be developed directed at Member States, Iceland and Norway on strategies for improving the quality of life of cancer patients and survivors, reducing inequalities across countries and improving data collection.

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