Dynamic purchasing system - procurement and leasing of vehicles

Информация о тендерe

02 - Contract notice
Restricted procedure
03.03.2023 9:56 (GMT+01:00)
01.07.2027 23:59

Информация о покупателе

Lørenskog kommune Lørenskog kommune
Stine Brun Stine Brun
Hasselveien 6
1471 Lørenskog

Информация о тендере

The contracting authority needs future-oriented cars under 7.5 tonnes in the coming years. The contracting authority requests a contract that covers the need for cars and for ensuring regional and local guidelines for reducing the climate and environmental impact. To meet future needs in a satisfactory manner, the contracting authority will enter into a dynamic purchasing system that will safeguard competition for cars under 7.5 tonnes. The dynamic purchasing system shall apply for the procurement of cars for, i.a. the district nursing, properties, schools, institutions and nurseries.

Mercell Holding AS

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