Информация о тендере
SKI - a central purchasing body- puts up for tender a framework agreement for the purchase of air journeys for passenger transport. The tendering procedure is conducted as an open procedure.
An air journey is defined as a return flight between two destinations. The tendering procedure covers 548 routes that are put up for tender as separate lots, which are evaluated, awarded and contract managed individually. For administrative purposes, however, SKI has decided to publish the material for the routes as one overall framework agreement since the contract documents are the same for each route, with a few exceptions in Appendix B. Likewise, an overall tender document (bill of quantities) has been prepared, in which the tenderer can submit tender for the routes (lots) desired by the tenderer.
The framework agreement is in particular aimed at State customers but may also be used by SKI's other customer segments. Appendices A and A.1 specify which customers may use the framework agreement.