Project Museum of the Viking Age Exhibition design – basic deliveries and additional deliveries

Информация о тендерe

17.12.2021 11:16 (GMT+01:00)
18.02.2022 12:00 (GMT+01:00)

Информация о покупателе

Elisabeth Tangen Elisabeth Tangen
Biskop Gunnerus' gate 6
Postboks 232 Sentrum

0103 OSLO

Closing date has passed.

Информация о тендере

The assignment is related to complete exhibition design with project management (services) and additional deliverables in terms of both services and specific products as exhibition area interior, HW/SW, films, interactive solutions, multimedia, AV equipment and more. Display cases to the exhibition areas is procured in another tender.

This is the second step in a two-step tender. If you want to see the qualification step and access qualification documents, please follow this link: Nye permanente utstillinger til Vikingtidsmuseet

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