Bus Services in Halden

Информация о тендерe

02 - Contract notice
Open procedure
16.01.2020 9:46 (GMT+01:00)
02.03.2020 12:00

Информация о покупателе

Østfold Fylkeskommune Østfold Fylkeskommune
Kjetil Gaulen Kjetil Gaulen
Oscar Pedersens vei 39
1706 Sarpsborg

Closing date has passed.

Информация о тендере

The contract includes bus services in the Halden region comprising Halden and Aremark municipalities and regional bus services for the areas of Nedre Glomma, Moss and Indre Østfold. A minor alteration of bus routes has been decided. The new bus routes are in operation from the summer of 2021 (start of operation for a new contract) with i.a. alterations of ring routes in the central areas. The contract will be valid for 9 years from the start-up of the summer routes on 21.6.2021 until the summer routes start in 2030.

Mercell Holding AS

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