Gender Inequalities in Unpaid Care Work and on the Labour Market in the EU

Информация о тендерe

03 - Contract award notice
Open procedure
04.10.2019 9:15 (GMT+02:00)

Информация о покупателе

European Institute for Gender Equality European Institute for Gender Equality
Gedimino av.16
LT01103 Vilnius

Assignment text

The main objective of this procedure is to select the best proposal for the study that will serve as a basis for EIGE’s report to the German Presidency of the Council of the EU in the second semester of 2020. The study to be carried out under this contract shall focus on the implementation of three strategic objectives of the BPfA in area F ‘Women and the Economy’ namely ”F1 relating to women’s economic rights and independence, F5 addressing occupational segregation and F6 relating to work-life balance.

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