Mercell Tender Archive

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008
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Name Срок подачи предложения
Røros videregående skole, nybygg og ombygging
Rammeavtale Redningsvester 21.08.2017 12:00
Transporttjenester med drosje og minibuss i Indre Østfold
Oppgradering av tilfluktsrom 18.09.2017 12:00
Juridisk utredning 16.08.2017 14:00
Ny sjøledning til Kvitsøy - Landanlegg 28.08.2017 12:00
Vurdering av konsekvenser for RTM ved forventet introduksjon av ITS 25.08.2017 12:00
Brøytekontraktør(er) til Kragerø kommune 08.09.2017 12:00
Anskaffelse - rammeavtale på fersk frukt og grønnsaker
Rammeavtale tilkallingsvikarer for renhold
Glassmestertjenester, rammeavtale
Bergen - Ombygging eksisterende terminal
Digitalisering i petroleumsindustrien 16.08.2017 12:00
2017/61 - Uniter, kompressor- og sugemotorløsning til Kompetansetannklinikk Ålesund 01.09.2017 9:00
HO-17-01: Arbeidstøy 25.07.2017 12:00
PCR-instrument LightCycler 480 til Mikrobiologisk avdeling, Haukeland universitetssykehus, Helse Bergen HF.
Innovasjonscampus Steinkjer Bygg D
EØS 015-2017 Rammeavtale hvitevarer, brunevarer, småelektrisk utstyr - anbudskonkurranse 25.08.2017 12:00
Biofilm bærere for bruk i det biologiske trinnet på Gardermoen renseanlegg (GRA), Ullensaker kommune
Vurdering av alternativ til grunnkretser som soner i Regional transportmodell 25.08.2017 15:00
RFI - Learning environment for mental health care
Ny vannledning Prestmoen - Kongshaugan 14.08.2017 13:00
Asfaltering i Lom kommune 2017 14.08.2017 12:00
Rehabilitering av kaiene på Langøy, Vassøy og Klubben kai i Jåttåvågen 21.08.2017 10:00
Ny rømningsveg Eidskog rådhus 13.09.2017 14:00
Flights for calibration of tactical air navigation systems (TACAN). 01.09.2017 12:00
Ticket inspections in Hordaland.
Logging and transporting of usable wood. 16.08.2017 12:00
Framework agreement, Water and Sewage related engineering design and consultancy services. 11.08.2017 12:00
Receipt of polluted masses. 25.08.2017 14:00
Framework agreement for road surface repairs.
UBRA, Sub-Project heating, ventilation and sanitation. 10.08.2017 12:00
System for syllabus lists.
Patient accommodation — the health and welfare service.
Procurement of a framework agreement for the procurement of recruitment services.
Procurement of a telephony system, products and services.
Framework agreement for cleaning services.
Auditing services for Hordaland fylkeskommune [Hordaland County].
17003 OFA Laundry and hire of clinic clothing for the dental health service in Agder.
Transport and operation of a Bonded warehouse.
Tickets and quality inspections.
1003601 Project New National Museum — H145 Coordinator.
Administrative system for schools and before-and-after-school care. 09.08.2017 12:00
Evacuation training under water, Helicopter. 24.08.2017 13:00
Project manager — Area plan for Hønefoss. 25.08.2017 12:00
The boat route Reinefjorden. 22.08.2017 9:00
17-023 Graphical services for AS Vinmonopolet. 16.08.2017 12:00
Framework agreement; project management services. 05.09.2017 14:00
The procurement of a tender implementation system and a contract administration system. 18.08.2017 12:00
IT operating services. 16.08.2017 12:00
Winter operations on municipal roads (2017-2021), Vestvågøy municipality AREA 3 — GRAVDAL/BALLSTAD. 18.08.2017 12:00
The EPJ-Løftet: The development of functionality in journal systems for agreement specialists and GPs. 23.08.2017 12:00
17/3011 TV subscriptions for municipal houses and institutions/shared housing. 16.08.2017 12:00
2017-27 — Consultancy services, test manager VFS. 18.08.2017 12:00
2017-25 — Consultancy services, responsible for integration VFS. 18.08.2017 12:00
Winter maintenance of municipal roads and spaces in Skjervøy kommune. 14.08.2017 12:00
Voluntary tender notice of a dialogue conference on the environment in procurements of framework agreement on services ventilation and process cooling etc.
Automatic casting units.
The procurement of a flushing vehicle for Alta municipality. 18.08.2017 15:00
LIS 1807f rituximab L01XC02. 14.08.2017 12:00
Framework agreement, IT user equipment.
Furniture and fittings.
Keys, locks, fittings, lock systems and access control with the accompanying services.
ANSK-2649-17 Femtosecond laser.
Audiometry equipment and accompanying services.
Procurement of a RFID.
Biofilm carriers for use in the biological stage at Gardermoen Treatment Facility (GRA), Ullensaker municipality.
Framework agreement, refuse collection vehicles.
The procurement of exercising equipment. 16.08.2017 12:00
Framework agreement for the hire of provisional buildings. 08.09.2017 12:00
Mill for grinding hazardous waste. 25.08.2017 14:00
The procurement of a pianos 2017. 08.09.2017 12:00
17-012 Work shoes. 06.09.2017 12:00
2017/711 C arm for Kristiansund Hospital. 28.08.2017 12:00
Automated module based haematology system and free-standing haematology instruments with accompanying instrument dependent consumables. 31.08.2017 13:00
Various antimatter and reagents for auto immune diagnostics for deliveries to the Health Trusts in Health Region West. 08.09.2017 12:00
Ski tracks for the in-run of the Holmenkollen ski jump. 01.09.2017 16:00
Counter Improvised Explosive Device (C-IED).
Brandengen multi purpose hall — turnkey project.
Tunesflaten module school, turnkey contract.
Årvoll multi-purpose hall — New building and renovation works.
Skedsmo municipality and Nittedal municipality. A new sewage pump station PA6. Contract E1 — Constructional works and HVAC and sanitary installations. 24.08.2017 12:00
Fv 55, the upgrading of tunnels in Luster. 07.09.2017 12:00
Noise reduction measures outside the base, Contract no. 4. 22.08.2017 12:00
Alta lower secondary school, the east wing, renovation and addition. 01.09.2017 12:00
Tau school Superparken contract 31 — pipe installations. 28.08.2017 12:00
EVA 01 - Overføringsledning fra Djupetjønn til Kvitåvatn vannverk 28.08.2017 12:00
Brandengen flerbrukshall - totalentreprise
Kjøp av klaverer 2017 08.09.2017 12:00
ANSK-2649-17 Femtosekund laser
Støytiltak utenfor basen - entreprise nr 4 22.08.2017 12:00
Kontra Improvoserte Eksplosive Enheter (C-IED)
17003 OFA Vask og leie av klinikktøy for tannhelsetjenesten på Agder
Administrativt system for skole og barnehage 09.08.2017 12:00
IT-driftstjenester 16.08.2017 12:00
UBRA - Delprosjekt VVS 10.08.2017 12:00
Billett- og kvalitetskontroller
Fv 55 oppgradering av tunneler i Luster 07.09.2017 12:00
Rammeavtale IT Brukarutstyr
Hogst og framkjøring av nyttbart virke 16.08.2017 12:00
Møbler og inventar
Anskaffelse av konkurransegjennomføringsverktøy og kontraktsadministrasjonsverktøy 18.08.2017 12:00
Anskaffelse av rammeavtale for kjøp av rekrutteringstjenester
EPJ-løftet: Utvikling av funksjonalitet i journalsystemer for avtalespesialister og fastleger 23.08.2017 12:00
Mottak av forurensede masser 25.08.2017 14:00
Tunesflaten modulskole, totalentreprise
Evakuerings trening under vann helikopter 24.08.2017 13:00
Klatrevegg i Lyngenhallen 18.08.2017 12:00
Kvern for neddeling av farlig avfall 25.08.2017 14:00
1003601 Prosjekt Nytt Nasjonalmuseum - H145 ITB-Koordinator
Audiometriutstyr og tilhørende tjenester
Automatisk støpeenheter
Rammeavtale for leie av midlertidige bygg 08.09.2017 12:00
Skispor til tilløpet av Holmenkollbakken 01.09.2017 16:00
Kunnskaps- og utredningsprosjekter ulv
Båtrute Reinefjorden 22.08.2017 9:00

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