Vakttjenester til Nasjonalmuseet


Competitive procedure with negotiation
13.02.2018 09:21 (GMT+01:00)
12.03.2018 15:00


Stiftelsen Nasjonalmuseet for kunst Stiftelsen Nasjonalmuseet for kunst
Ole Henrik Brinchmann-Hansen Ole Henrik Brinchmann-Hansen
Kristian Augusts gate 23
0130 Oslo
985 686 092

Closing date has passed.

Short description

Stiftelsen Nasjonalmuseet for kunst (The Norwegian National Museum of Art, Architecture, and Design) wishes to invite to prequalification for competition for delivery of security guard services.

The guard services will be in the exhibition areas in the National Gallery (Nasjonalgalleriet) in Oslo, The Museum of Architecture, as well as in the new museum building that is to be finished in 2019 and opened to the public in 2020.

There will also be a need for guard services in other locations belonging to the museum. In addition to guard services in the exhibition areas, there will also be a need for guard services in connection with the construction works.

Mercell Holding AS

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