BioFire Film Array with accompanying instrument dependent consumables.


Award of a contract without prior publication of a contract notice in the Official Journal of the European Union
08.11.2017 09:17 (GMT+01:00)


Sykehusinnkjøp HF Sykehusinnkjøp HF
Synnøve Norunn Simonnes Synnøve Norunn Simonnes
Tollbugata 7
9800 Vadsø

Assignment text

Sykehusinnkjøp HF 916879067 Tollbugata 7 Vadsø 9800 Synnøve Norunn Simonnes BioFire Film Array with accompanying instrument dependent consumables. 2017/1411 Helse Bergen HF intends to procure one analysing Instrument named BioFire Film Array. The contract also includes instrument dependent consumables. Only one supplier could offer an Analysis Platform with a sufficient range of panel (data) analysis. See the justification thereof given in Annex D1 to this Voluntary ex ante transparency notice. 4300000.00 Haukeland University Hospital. Helse Bergen HF intends to procure one (1) analysing Instrument named BioFire Film Array. The contract also includes instrument dependent consumables. Only one supplier could offer an Analysis Platform with a sufficient range of panel (data) analysis. See the justification thereof given in Annex D1 to this Voluntary ex ante transparency notice. Option on service agreement. The department of Microbiology at Helse Bergen and Haukeland University wants to introduce PCR-based diagnostics regarding bacterial meningitis. A wide range of panel (data) with short analysing time and where low hands-on time is requested. This shall enable the Department to offer comprehensive and rapid diagnostics within the laboratory's opening hours. The Department requests a closed ‘sample-in-answer-out’ system where training a large group of users is simple. To the Contracting Authority's knowledge only bioMérieux Norge AS with its FilmArray ‘Meningitis Encephalitis Panel’ can cover the range of bacterias, viruses and funguses that the Department wants to decect in connection with questions related to Meningitis/Encephalitis. The analysis requires 2 minutes hands-on time and shall provide results within 45 minutes. The Department also requires an equivalent panel for relevant aureus in connection with a research project and for use at treating selected, critical ill patients. bioMérieux Norge AS is the only company that is able to cover the Department's requirements with its ‘Respiratory Panel 2’ which covers the viruses and bacteria the Department needs to detect. It is also of vital importance that bioMérieux Norge AS is the only supplier who can offer a panel meningitis analysis and a panel of respiratory analysis on the same platform. The remaining tenderers for this segment either offered a panel of meningitis analysis or a panel of respiratory analysis. The tenders also lacked solutions for analyses of central microbes within meningitis and respiratory diagnostics. 1 BioFire Film Array with accompanying instrument dependent consumables. 2017-11-01 bioMérieux Norge AS Oslo 4300000.00 Sykehusinnkjøp HF Divisjon VEST Bergen 2017-11-07

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