Engineering design consultant.


Open procedure
10.11.2015 09:55 (GMT+01:00)
07.12.2015 12:00


Suldal kommune Suldal kommune
Ronny Mehus Rugland Ronny Mehus Rugland
Eidsvegen 7
4230 Sand

Closing date has passed.

Short description

Suldal municipality requires technical consultancy services. The projects will vary in scope and complexity. The contracting authority's aim is to enter into a framework agreement with a service provider that covers all areas. Actual projects will be within maintenance and new buildings for schools, sports buildings, health and welfare buildings and municipal engineering sites etc.

Mercell Holding AS

Part of the Mercell Group, one of Europe’s leading providers of e tender systems and information between buyers and suppliers in the professional market.

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+47 21 01 88 00