Provision of Cleaning Services for Europe House in Vilnius


Open procedure
04.09.2024 12:21 (GMT+02:00)
26.07.2024 12:00 (GMT+02:00)


European Institute for Gender Equality European Institute for Gender Equality
Gedimino pr. 16
01103 Vilnius

Closing date has passed.

Short description

Provision of cleaning services for Europe House, in Vilnius jointly occupied by:

- the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) / Leading Contracting Authority,

- the European Parliament Liaison Office (EPLO)

- the European Commission Representation in Lithuania (ECR).

Mercell Holding AS

Part of the Mercell Group, one of Europe’s leading providers of e tender systems and information between buyers and suppliers in the professional market.

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+47 21 01 88 00