Learning Management System - Pre-qualification


03 - Contract award notice
Competitive procedure with negotiation
08.05.2020 09:05 (GMT+02:00)


Syddansk Universitet Syddansk Universitet
Caroline Olesen Caroline Olesen
Campusvej 55

5230 Odense M

Short description

With this invitation to tender, SDU wishes to enter into an agreement for the acquisition of a Learning Management System (LMS) for the management of web-based teaching and learning activities.
The intention is that the agreement, which is obligatory for SDU, should be concluded with one supplier.
For a detailed description of the tendered services, including the minimum requirements that the services must meet, please refer to the requirements specification in Appendix 4a to Appendix 4d, and the Shcedule of prices in Appendix 3.
Appendix A Draft Hosting Agreement specifies the conditions that apply to the procurement of the tendered service.

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