Short description
The aim of the procurement is to enter into a framework agreement that ensures the right for the contracting authority to procure licences for a joint asynchronous message handling system that can cover the performance and robustness requirements for large data volumes. The open-source versions av Kafka are already in use. There have been major investments and the components are closely integrated in individual parts of the value streams in the Norwegian Tax Authority. The contracting authority is currently limited to running the Kafka system on its own infrastructure (on-premise). In order to be better equipped in the future for extended use, we would like to have a supported system with the necessary functionality and tools. This means that there is a need to procure an enterprise version of the Kafka components on financially favourable terms. The framework agreement will also ensure that the contracting authority has access to courses and training services, as well as consultancy services.
Further information on the contracting authority's terms, requirements and prerequisites for the procurement are in Annex 1 of the tender documentation.