Ground Work for Fornebu Station and Base


05 - Udbudsbekendtgørelse – forsyningsvirksomhed
Udbud med forhandling
23-01-2020 09:49 (GMT+01:00)
28-02-2020 12:00


Oslo Kommune v/Fornebubanen Oslo Kommune v/Fornebubanen
Gunnar Gjellan
0037 Oslo

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

The Fornebu Railway will be a new underground stretch in a connected tunnel system from Majorstuen in Oslo to Fornebu in Bærum. The railway will be approx. 8 km long with 6 stations: Fornebu, Flytårnet, Fornebuporten, Lysaker, Vækerø and Skøyen. Most of the work under this contract will be: — demolishing the existing buildings at Fornebu south, a total of approx. 75 000 m — clearing the building matter, loading, transport and disposal at a certified site, — excavating and blasting a construction pit, approx. 600 000 fm — sheet piling and securing, injection for a sealed construction pit, — loading, transport and disposal of lightly polluted (classes 2 and 3) uncompacted matter at a certified site, — loading, transport and disposal of blasted stone at a certified site.

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