
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28
Overskrift Tilbudsfrist
100914 - bygging av nye kvarter i Rena leir 23.03.2023 12.00
RO-23-03 Fagsystem barnevern 07.03.2023 12.00
EFI - FOR 003-2023 Innkjøp av tilhengere 23.02.2023 12.00
2023/508 - Markedsundersøkelse- Nullutslippskjøretøy i Kristiansand kommune
Konsulentbistand SA #2 - BK 2023 15.03.2023 12.00
KK-DPS Brannrådgiver for tilstandsanalyse og brannkonsept Smørsoppen 28-30 17.03.2023 12.00
Hovdestadmoen - Nytt lagerbygg 24.03.2023 12.00
Opplæring i ildfast muring (industrimuring) 30.03.2023 12.00
Opparbeiding av mellombels skulelokale
IK-EØS 052-2023 Dekontaminatorer til Bergen kommune og samarbeidsparter 31.03.2023 12.00
Anskaffelse av arkitekt- og rådgivningstjenester til Stråle- og somatikkbygg Kalnes, på vegne av Sykehuset Østfold HF 17.03.2023 12.00
Tunnel vedlikehold 2023-2025 Nordland fylkeskommune 14.03.2023 12.00
Digital psykologtjeneste
Prosjektering rehabilitering Moheia Bad 08.03.2023 12.00
Nytt tak og utskifting av ventilasjonsaggregater på Hennummarka skole. 17.02.2023 20.00
EBE 06 - 2023 Åsane - Ombrukssentral 03.03.2023 12.00
Rammeavtale på kjøp av tester for ACT måling
Hundholmen plass 24.03.2023 12.00
Procurement of consultancy assistance for VegDim 29.03.2023 12.00
Framework agreement - procurement of fuel
C16468 - Asphalt contract 34-2023-06 Hedmark 22.03.2023 12.00
Asphalt work Vestland 2023: Asola, BOA and Nordhordland 30.03.2023 12.00
Asphalt work Vestland 2023: Vestland North 30.03.2023 12.00
New government quarter project - K851 - framework agreement - media and broadcasting equipment with associated services. 29.03.2023 12.00
Consulting and engineering design services for Rå Biopark biogas plant
Procurement of service, maintenance, calibration and repair of technical equipment in the inspection halls and external inspections stations. 28.03.2023 12.00
Oslo Airport - K-191320 - Annual inspection and maintenance of access systems, fall protection, passenger lifts, cranes and lift equipment 29.03.2023 12.00
Asphalt work, maintenance north 2023 contract 18-2023-01 Helgeland and Salten 24.03.2023 12.00
(23003) Medicines and multi-doses, framework agreement 30.03.2023 12.00
Locksmith services with associated materials 29.03.2023 12.00
Procurement of a lorry
Medical simulator and installation thereof
Procurement of new furniture and fittings for schools, nurseries, offices/meeting rooms, and institutions 28.03.2023 09.00
Scheduled transport and school transport service for Borgøy
Asphalt work, maintenance north 2023, contract 54-2023-01 Central Troms 24.03.2023 12.00
Simplex operation Brynsbakken - consultant for a development plan with an impact assessment and an option for a technical detailed plan 02.04.2023 12.00
Equipment and chemicals for swimming pools
Security operations centre (SOC)
Procurement - Closure of landfill, Gangstøvika, 2022
Framework agreement for licence communicator
Asphalt work, maintenance north 2023, contract 54-2023-04 Øst-Finnmark 24.03.2023 12.00
Comprehensive internal control system
Consulting services within municipal technical areas, framework agreement 29.03.2023 12.00
Market enquiry (RFI): Assessment of the route package division and PBE - ferry tender 2027
Konkurranse - Mandal VGS - Ny HT avdeling 11.04.2023 13.00
Produksjon- og bookingsystem for Bærum kulturhus 28.02.2023 12.00
Fresekontrakt for vegoppmerking 2023 28.03.2023 12.00
Contract for the procurement of a sweeping vehicle 31.03.2023 12.00
AV- Utrustning & Tjänster
ANSK-0232-20 ROV pilots/instructors, surveying and consultancy services.
Barrier equipment with associated products and services
(22246) Trade system for the child welfare service.
Procurement of a new wheeled loader with an edge cutter
Framework agreement for the procurement of catering services 28.03.2023 12.00
Procurement - service contract reserved for non-profit organisations for the operation of Fagerborghjemmet
Art materials, play and educational material 30.03.2023 12.00
Prior information notice - invitation to a market dialogue - joint government contract for the procurement and hire of multi-function machines, scanners, and printers with associated services
Konkurranse - Vennesla VGS - Bygg- og anleggsteknikk 11.04.2023 13.00
Sandbekken ungdomsskole ombygging 31.03.2023 12.00
R01198 Ledergruppeutviklingsverktøy 02.03.2023 12.00
Riving av VLBI antenne i Ny-Ålesund 28.03.2023 09.00

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