Overskrift |
Tilbudsfrist |
ANSK-0154-21 Rammeavtale Kurs- og konferansetjenester |
24.01.2022 23.59 |
Invitasjon til dialogkonferanse - Rehabiliteringstjenester |
Invitasjon til dialogkonferanse - Tverrfaglig spesialisert rusbehandling (TSB) |
Leasing av kjøretøy til hjemmebaserte tjenester |
25.01.2022 12.00 |
Åpen anbudskonkurranse Totalentreprise for Mortensrud Idrettspark: Midlertidigheter og landhockey |
Finansiell planlegging og analyse (FP&A) for NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS |
01.02.2022 20.00 |
Utstyr for arbeid under vann – Redningsdykking |
Anskaffelse rammeavtale for kjøp av medisinsk forbruksmateriell til kommunene Kommunen Fredrikstad, Hvaler, Moss, Råde, Våler, Sarpsborg, Indre Østfold, Halden, Rakkestad og Kirkevergen i Fredrikstad |
Kontraktstildeling - 94106081 Bakklandet øvre og nedre - Oppgradering av gate - Klæburuta delstrekning 4 og 6 |
ny gravemaskin på hjul for uteseksjonen i Averøy kommune |
28.01.2022 13.00 |
E39 Gartnerløkka – Kolsdalen Entreprise 4 – Lektertransport for utlegging av masser i sjø |
21/03397 Kontraktstildeling DPS - Innleie av konsulent for drift og support på Sharepoint - NHN |
Dynamisk innkjøpsordning - Konsulenttjenester innen Utviklingsoppgaver |
02.02.2026 00.00 |
EØS 001-2021 Rammeavtale for vedlikehold og service av varmepumper og kjøle-, fryse- og avfuktingsanlegg |
Konkurranse på kjøp av automatisk skreddeteksjon for Fv. 7768 i Grøtfjorden |
Konkurranse på DV Elektro E5452 Troms Nord 2022-2026 |
Rammeavtale for kjøp av VA materiell |
26.01.2022 12.00 |
Rammeavtale på konsulenttjenester innen bygningsfagene |
01.02.2022 12.00 |
Uttakssentraler og operasjonslamper til Nye Narvik Sykehus, Universitetssykehuset Nord Norge HF |
Anskaffelse av parallelle rammeavtaler for forsknings- og utredningsoppdrag |
04.02.2022 12.00 |
EØS 065-2021 Rammeavtale for kjøp av møteromspaneler (løsning for booking av møterom) |
28.01.2022 12.00 |
Kjøp av elektrisk kraft - Barne- Ungdoms- og Familiedirektoratet, BUFdir |
21-028 Kortinnløser for AS Vinmonopolet |
31.01.2022 12.00 |
21/03379 Kontraktstildeling DPS - Systemutvikler til FHIs skreddersydde IT-systemer - FHI |
Storkjøkkenutstyr til Helseforetakene i Norge |
Assembly material for the installation of communication materiel in vehicles - qualification documents (NEW). |
27.01.2022 12.00 |
Special Reconnaissance Robots (SRR) - Pre-qualification. |
01.02.2022 12.00 |
Establishment and operation of 24 hour resting places and road service facilities- E39 Lohnelier (NEW) |
01.03.2022 12.00 |
Oslo lufthavn [Oslo Airport] - Upgrading of building SRO |
Framework agreement for legal services in multiple areas |
Construction schedule for new accesses - Sandnes Central Station |
02.02.2022 12.00 |
24 hour care place for user 20392 (JV) |
07.01.2022 12.00 |
Contest for the procurement of crisis centre services |
10.01.2022 16.00 |
Accommodation and care services for user 4092. |
Trailing evaluation of guidance for parents of adolescents |
Acos Websak+ Case processing and archive system |
Emptying and transporting septic sludge |
07.01.2022 12.00 |
Assistance with holding webinars on employers' obligations to work on equality |
Evaluation of agency cooperation against work-related crime |
Discrimination of muslims, participation in society, and a sense of belonging |
Resettlement refugees - facilitation for integration |
Framework agreement for recruitment assistance |
Project assistance for the development of Asset Management and maintenance management in the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. |
Statistics from crisis and incest centres for Barne-, ungdoms- og familiedirektoratet |
Production of archive extracts for long-term preservation |
Cleaning services at Norsk Tipping |
Laundry services |
Consultancy services for signage plans, framework agreement. |
Taxi and passenger transport services - Framework agreement |
Framework agreement for architect services |
Contracts for delivery of service, maintenance, repair and storage of boats for Oslo Police District |
Framework agreement Plumbing services - Plumbing engineering works |
28.01.2022 12.00 |
Plumber, framework agreement |
26.01.2022 12.00 |
Framework agreement adjustment and career counselling |
28.01.2022 12.00 |
Operating contract for electrical installations 30-1E01 Electro contract Viken 2022-2027 |
15.02.2022 12.00 |
Painter and floor layer services, framework agreement |
25.01.2022 12.00 |
Framework agreement for legal assistance - the beach zone along the Oslo Fjord |
01.02.2022 12.00 |
Transport of glass and metal packaging. |
20.01.2022 12.00 |
Review competence centre for voluntary efforts for integration |
26.01.2022 12.00 |
Carpentry services, framework agreement. |
27.01.2022 12.00 |
Rent assessments of condition assessment when renting |
15.02.2022 12.00 |
Electrical, framework agreement |
27.01.2022 12.00 |
Management of a gallery in Project Jakob. - regional arts centre, Steinkjer Municipality |
26.01.2022 12.00 |
Leasing and administration of Satnett’s vehicle fleet |
24.01.2022 12.00 |
A framework agreement for barge transportation of reindeer 2022 |
21.01.2022 12.00 |
Website Development services Sports for Nature |
07.01.2022 12.00 |
Framework agreement: Plumbing services with associated material 2022 - 2024 (2026) |
26.01.2022 12.00 |
Framework agreement lessor brokerage services (NEW) |
21.01.2022 12.00 |
Internal audit services |
21.01.2022 12.00 |
Framework agreement for financial assistance and advisory services |
19.01.2022 12.00 |
Market survey - digital aids for schools |
Prior Information Notice 2 - specialised interactive solutions, cloud-based meeting solutions |
Groceries |
26.01.2022 12.00 |
Framework agreement Meeting Room and Interrogation Room Equipment |
Procurement of two video/interrogation solutions for two rooms at Bærum police station |
Procurement of three meeting/interrogation room equipment - Re-published |
Procurement of video/interrogation solutions for Barnehuset in Oslo |
Procurement of two flat screen monitors for two meeting rooms for Utrykningspolitiet (UP) |
Procurement of videoconferencing solutions for three meeting rooms in Nordland police district. |
Procurement of video conferencing equipment for nine meeting rooms for the Norwegian police directorate in Oslo(updated announcement). |
Flowers for Asker municipality |
Procurement of videoconferencing solutions for four meetings rooms in Oslo |
Procurement of one videoconferencing set |
Procurement of one flat screen monitor for a meeting room in Sandvika |
Procurement of one big flat screen monitor for a meeting room in Moss |
Procurement of flat screen monitors for three meeting rooms |
Procurement of meeting room solution for The Higher Prosecuting Authorities |
Procurement of meeting room equipment and installation for a location in the Oslo-area. |
Procurement of meeting and video conferencing equipment for the Norwegian Police ICT-services in Nord-Norge |
Purchase of tyres and rims with the associated servicing |
Procurement of a framework agreement for equipment and services for meeting rooms |
Framework agreement for the delivery of mobile phones and accessories thereof |
Procurement of projector for an auditorium |
Procurement of a framework agreement for AV equipment and accompanying services |
New loudspeaker system for Scene no. 2, the Norwegian National Opera and Ballet |
Enhanced quadrivalent vaccine against seasonal influenza for the 2022/2023 flu season |
31.01.2022 13.00 |
Framework agreement for the purchase of hardware. |
21.01.2022 12.00 |
Procurement of multi-function printers. |
25.01.2022 12.00 |
Procurement of a framework agreement for AV equipment and accompanying services |
24.01.2022 12.00 |
Procurement of a test drilling rig. |
24.01.2022 12.00 |
Execution of a tunnel upgrade on the stretch E39 Klett - Bårdshaug |
55-BYM-2021 Asphalt resurfacing work in Oslo. |
A120073- E3 Pipeline installations and outdoor |
24.01.2022 12.00 |
Rehabilitation of Frogner Stadion [Frogner Stadium] and Ullern 2 and 3 artificial grass pitches |
28.01.2022 10.00 |
Sheltered accommodation flats Sundet in Eidsvoll |
31.01.2022 12.00 |
E18 the West Corridor project: Ramstadsletta-Nesbru. A dialogue conference shall be held for tenderers in the construction and consulting industry. |
Joint Nordic Procurement of Pharmaceuticals - 2022 - NF2.601.a |
Joint Nordic Procurement of Pharmaceuticals - 2022 - NF2.603.a |
Joint Nordic Procurement of Pharmaceutical 2022 - NF2.602.a |
Joint Nordic Procurement of Pharmaceuticals 2022 - NF 2.604.b |
Måling av inneklima |
24.01.2022 12.00 |
Intensjonskunngjøring - Gjennomføring av digital folkeavstemning |
Vask og service nedgravde containere RfD |
Traller til kliniske mobile arbeidsstasjoner |
Dynamisk innkjøpsordning - Prosjektledelse- og støtte |
Multistråleekkolodd (MBES) batymetri datainnsamling og prosessering for MAREANO-programmet |
21/03642 Kontraktstildeling Prosjekt-/prosesstøtte til planlegging og gjennomføring av eldrereformen "Leve hele livet" |
Dynamisk innkjøpsordning IKT-konsulenttjenester |
Dynamisk innkjøpsordning IKT-konsulenttjenester |
Behov for markedsinformasjon (RFI) - Anskaffelse av telt |
21/03497 Kontraktstildeling - Anskaffelse av IKT-konsulenter for arbeid på 1 linje hos NHN |
Kjøp av operativ innkjøpsfaglig bistand |
24.01.2022 12.00 |
Kassettbaserte blodgassinstrumenter med tilhørende instrumentavhengig forbruksmateriell for levering til Helse Bergen HF |
16.02.2022 12.00 |