
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008
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Overskrift Tilbudsfrist
Selbu Sykehjem 26.10.2018 12.00
Maler- og Gulvleggertjenester Helse Vest 14.11.2018 12.00
E18 Håneskrysset - Totalentreprise
Anskaffelse av midlertidig ERP-system for Viken fylkeskommune 05.11.2018 12.00
SD-anlegg med maskinlæring/AI
BPA Service Concession
The Avinor Group — Pension services — Personal 02.11.2018 12.00
Delivery of Installer Standby, Earth and Submarine Cable for Internet Companies 25.10.2018 12.00
Platform for cooperation and workplace support – Social network 05.11.2018 13.00
Office and Computer Supplies, Hygiene Articles and Packaging 02.11.2018 16.00
Administration Building — Lyse Elnett 12.11.2018 12.00
Mechanical Maintenance Services 29.10.2018 12.00
Parallel Framework Agreement — Procurement of Helicopter Services in the Northern Region
Rental Parking Spaces 05.11.2018 12.00
Procurement — Analysis services for water and sewage, sludge, waste disposal site monitoring and the environment, 2018 07.11.2018 13.00
Transport and Processing of Waste in Kongsberg Municipality 07.11.2018 13.00
Boundary Protection, Priority Buildings 02.11.2018 10.00
Debt Collection Services Abroad 09.11.2018 12.00
Parallel Framework Agreement for the Procurement of Helicopter Services, Western Region 02.11.2018 12.00
Dynamic Purchasing System, Consultancy Services for ICT Project Management and Support 10.11.2018 00.00
Service Agreement, Annual Inspections for Fume Cupboards and Zone Regulation Systems NTNU 29.10.2018 12.00
Vehicles for Traffic Monitoring 29.10.2018 12.00
Narvik Municipality — Framework Agreement Delivery of Electric Power and Management of Energy Trading. Delivery 2020 — 2023
Mobile Traffic Registration Equipment for Auto Registration
Acquisition of Combined Pumper and Septic Truck for Orkdal Municipality 31.10.2018 12.00
Procurement of Polymer 06.11.2018 12.00
Invitation to a Supplier/Dialogue Meeting — Analysis Instrument, other Substances than Alcohol
Control Plant with Machine Learning/AI
Street and Tram Renovation in Thorvald Meyers Gate 24.10.2018 12.00
Selbjørn School: Reconstruction Work for an Assembly Hall for Students — stage 2 13.11.2018 12.00
Public Transport Measures Bispegata with Oslo Torg 07.11.2018 12.00
E39 Rogfast — Contract E02 Kvitsøy 21.11.2018 14.00
Price and Design Contest with Interaction for the Procurement of a Turnkey Contractor for the Demolition and Construction of a New County Hall in Bergen 05.11.2018 12.00
Doseplanleggingssystem for stråleterapi ved Oslo universitetssykehus HF Radiumhospitalet
Rammeavtale reisebyråtjenester 09.11.2018 12.00
Tildeling leverandør leasing renovasjonsbil og skapbiler
75276 Regionalt anbud Transportrespiratorer
Pc-skjerm 09.11.2018 10.00
2017033932 - Flyttetjenester til forsvarssektoren - Utland
Tørke- og renholdsprodukter 09.11.2018 12.00
Avviksbusser for Flytoget 06.11.2018 12.00
Informasjon om anskaffelsesbehov - Undersøkelsesuniter og tilhørende behandlingsstoler for levering til Helse Bergen HF

Mercell Norge AS

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