Overskrift |
Tilbudsfrist |
Rammeavtale for kjøp av utstyr for venøs blodprøvetaking for levering til helseforetakene i Helse Vest |
Access Control — Physical and Digital security |
Contract for analyses and surveys and presentation and advice connected to this |
Operation, monitoring and hosting of ICT infrastructure for Trygderetten |
Procurement of cleaning services in the western and northern regions |
Service Procurement of Efficient Management Groups |
Delivery of Fruit to Schools |
Framework Agreement for Transport Services |
150-BYM-2017 Framework Agreement for Consultancy Services for the Management of Bridges and Retaining Walls. |
18.09.2018 12.00 |
Social system NAV for Lillestrøm municipality |
17.09.2018 12.00 |
Welfare technology system |
17.09.2018 12.00 |
Framework agreement for the provision of valuation services for property tax |
24.09.2018 07.00 |
Snow Clearing Tender Eid Municipality 2018-2022 |
29.08.2018 15.00 |
Procurement of a platform for welfare technology. |
14.09.2018 12.00 |
BarentsWatch development, management and operation of closed services |
12.09.2018 12.00 |
Framework Agreement for Graphical Design, Advertising and Marketing Services |
20.09.2018 12.00 |
Framework Agreement for the delivery of equipment specific consumables for use with MagnaPure 96 and MagnaPure Compact. |
Framework Agreement for the Delivery of Instrument Specific Consumables, Reagents and tests for BenchMark Special Stains Special Colour Instrument. |
Framework Agreement for the Delivery of Consumables, Reagents and Tests for a BenchMark Ultra Fully Automatic Immunohistochemistry and in-situ Crossbreeding Instrument. |
Framework Agreement for the Delivery of Instrument Specific Consumables, Reagents and Tests for a Ventana Symphony H&E Colour Instrument. |
Supply of Isotope Identification Devices |
Procurement of Waste Containers — Halden Municipality |
Procurement of consumables |
Refuse collection vehicles |
17.09.2018 12.00 |
Electrical power |
18.09.2018 12.00 |
Preparation equipment for samples for TEM and SEM |
17.09.2018 12.00 |
Water and Sewage Material — Framework Agreement |
17.09.2018 12.00 |
Avrop på dynamisk innkjøpsordning - systemutvikling - utviklingsbistand fellesløsninger |
KK - Enkeltanskaffelse - Responssenter |
IKT Orkidè - Enkeltanskaffelse - PPT flyt |
IKT Orkide - Rammeavtale - Trygghetsalarmer |
IKT Orkidè - Enkeltanskaffelse - Helsestasjonsløsning |
218532 Anskaffelse av velferdsteknologi i Søndre Land kommune |
Rammeavtale for anskaffelse av betongrør, kummer mv |
24.09.2018 12.00 |
Dialogkonferanse |
Innhenting, avlevering og salg av brukerbiler på auksjon |
18.10.2018 15.00 |
Prosjektledelse - Leverandørutviklingsprogrammet "Høyere opp i verdikjeden" |
18.09.2018 12.00 |
Suturer, hudklips, hudklipsfjernere, hudlim og karstrikk for levering til helseforetakene i Helse Vest |
Leige av lokaler til ambulansestasjon i Ørsta kommune |
26.09.2018 12.00 |