
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31
Overskrift Tilbudsfrist
C00600 Evenes — Outer perimeter 31.08.2018 12.00
Teknisk kurs og konferansearrangør 2018 - 2022 15.08.2018 12.00
A defined contribution scheme 27.08.2018 12.00
Service concession for operation of Haugesund Airport, Karmøy (Contract K-186950)
Request for Information — On Track Machine — General purpose vehicle with crane
Route optimising software for the delivery of letters 08.08.2018 12.00
Fjøsangerveien Crossing
124 Storskaret — Lonavegen main sewage pipeline 31.08.2018 12.00
Svolvær transformer station — General contracting buildings 10.08.2018 12.00
Group contract engineering design services — new nursing home 11.07.2018 14.00
Cleaning Services for Gulatings plass 1
Inhabitant surveys
Hazardous waste RIR
Clearing and digitising of historic archives
Open tender contest for procurement of guard services at Oslo Chief Municipal Treasurer’s office.
Auditing services
Sludge management 03.09.2018 12.00
Risk and vulnerability analysis of natural dangers 31.08.2018 12.00
Appointing members to the Party Audit Committee 17.08.2018 12.00
Horisont Renovasjon og Miljøpark — occupational Pension and og Personnel Insurances 03.09.2018 12.00
18019 OFA Passenger Transport Services Aust-Agder — Lillesand 06.08.2018 12.00
Transport of museum pieces 22.08.2018 14.00
Procurement — Framework Agreement for joinery and flashing and guttering services 22.08.2018 11.00
Framework agreement for consultancy services for organisation and management development 07.09.2018 13.00
c) Strategic partner for development of future medicine information services — Prior information notice.
Delivery of F-18-FluoroDeoxyGlucose for PET examinations
Framework Agreement for tyres and tyre hotel for vehicles, including servicing and shifting
Workwear and protection equipment.
The procurement of electroshock weapons for a pilot project
Procurement — Environmentally friendly disposable textiles
Procurement of a customer contact system
Hire of coffee brewers and water dispensers
New Deichmanske Main Library - Signs and foliation 14.09.2018 12.00
Dynamic Procurement System for the Procurement and Leasing of Vehicles 21.08.2018 00.00
Welfare Technology 14.08.2018 23.59
Etterstad sixth form college — new canteen kitchen and various alterations
Vargeia barnehage [Vargeia Nursery School], extension 30.08.2018 12.00
Competition for the provision of services for the implementation of web advertising campaigns promoting Cyprus as a tourism destination 10.08.2018 14.00
22HAV18 Renovation Akershus pier, Oslo
New system for customer enquiries.
Vehicle fleet management services
Design and communication services
Health and social services, 24 hours service for a child 27.07.2018 12.00
Concept for a new system for estimating values of holiday houses for tax purposes 25.09.2018 15.00
Procurement of an Engineering Design Group for the Slattum Hall, for delivery to Nittedal municipality, Eiendom KF 17.08.2018 12.00
2018-KID-023 Site contractor services for the Municipal Undertaking for Culture and Sports Facilities 28.08.2018 12.00
Framework agreement on Patient Signalling System.
Workwear, footwear and protective equipment 28.08.2018 12.00
New school centre at Tangvall in Søgne 23.11.2018 12.00
Ibestad Nursing Home and Sheltered Accommodation Flats 10.09.2018 12.00
Rammeavtale for Service, kontroll og innkjøp av manuelle slukkemidler 14.09.2018 12.00
Service and maintenance of ticket machines and information screens Skyss 2018
Office Supplies 17.08.2018 12.00
Open tender contest — procurement of an access point
ICT system for the implementation of digital written exams for private candidates
Winter operations on municipal roads and open spaces 2016-2021
201800261 Licensing Solution Partner (LSP) contract for procurement and maintenance of Microsoft licences
Framework Agreement for the Purchase, Hire and Inspection of electro medical and medical technical equipment
Procurement 20180004 — Framework Agreement for Advertisement Mediation.
Open tender contest for the procurement of thermography and condition inspections of electrical installations
Digital læring i Askerskolen (1) 02.08.2018 12.00
Transport and Treatment 24.08.2018 12.00
Procurement of equipment to the laboratory for industrial digitisation as well as software and licences for the vocational school Tinius Olsen.
Framework agreement, Dairy products, liquid and solid
Procurement of a fire engine 31.08.2018 15.00
Interaction contractor for the project Oslo storbylegevakt (OSBL) [Oslo city casualty clinic] 06.09.2018 11.00
Upphandling Busstrafik i Sigtuna, Upplands Väsby och Vallentuna (E31)
Upphandling Busstrafik på Ekerö (E32)
Kjønstadmarka 3 21.08.2018 13.00
Helhetlig målstyring-, analyse-, planlegging- og rapporteringssystem
Klyngetunet burettslag, omsorgsbustader - Øvre Årdal 29.08.2018 13.00
Vei og VA -anlegg 2.trinn Byremo industriområde. 24.08.2018 12.00
Rammeavtaler - juridiske tjenester 03.09.2018 12.00
Oppfølging og vedlikehold av medisinsk utstyr 13.08.2018 12.00
Håndverkertjenester - Glassmester - 16.05.2018 - 16.05.2022
Håndverkertjenester - Maling, gulvlegging og tapetsering - 07.05.2018 - 07.05.2022
Opparbeidelse og utvidelse av Skibotn Kirkegård 24.08.2018 12.00
Markedsundersøkelse - anskaffelse av rammeavtale for inventar
Effektivt vegrenhold
Statsbyggs BIM-manual 2.0 Videreutvikling - Konsulentbistand
Litteraturutredningen 2019. En gjennomgang av Kulturrådets tilskuddsordninger for litteratur. 18.09.2018 12.00
Instrument for Infeksjonsimmunologi 17.08.2018 12.00
Kontinuerleg forbetring og Lean 07.09.2018 12.00
Steinleveranse til Fiskeselva ved Kjerkegga i Grong kommune 15.08.2018 13.00
Håndverkertjenester Nord-Trøndelag - veiledende kunngjøring
Førde trafikkstasjon – oppgradering av utomhusanlegg Entreprise K701 08.08.2018 12.00
BV 2018-21 - Kjøp av satelittspyler 26.07.2018 12.00
AMO-kurs Programmering og applikasjonsutvikling 18/2441 03.09.2018 11.00
1000605 Campus Ås brukerutstyr K929.11.03 Strøhåndteringsanlegg
Rammeavtale for Forsknings- og utredningsoppdrag 31.08.2018 12.00
KK - Veiledende kunngjøring - Rammeavtale Ventilasjonstjenester
EN-18-07: Banktjenester
Respiratorer til luftambulansetjenesten
Biplan nevrointervensjonslaboratorium til Helse Bergen HF 03.08.2018 23.59
Fastsettelse av avkastningskravet til utenlandskabelen «NorthConnect» 15.08.2018 12.00
RENO - renovering av fasade og utskifting av vinduer, HV bygg, Hammerfest 17.08.2018 12.00
2018-035 Trykkeritjenester til Møre og Romsdal fylkeskommune 24.08.2018 12.00
FOR 032-2018 Sekretariattjenester for Kontrollutvalget 22.08.2018 12.00
125932 Falstad senteret – fasaderehabilitering K201 - Utførelsesentreprise 06.08.2018 12.00
18/2465 Budsjett og rapporteringssystem til Stange, Hamar og Løten kommune 15.08.2018 12.00
Næringsmidler 2018-2019 17.08.2018 10.00
Intensivsenger til Vestre Viken
Rammeavtale hotell- og konferansetjenester for DiBK
Åpen anbudskonkurranse for kjøp og levering av møbler til Trondheim kommune
EØS 034-2018 Materiell til bruk under aksjoner mot akutt forurensning (2. utlysning)
Reparasjon av plasthall, Setermoen leir 25.07.2018 12.00
Consultancy services for strategy and business development 08.08.2018 12.00
Framework agreement for the hire of bedding and towels
Procurement 14/2017 Pipes, pipe fittings and valves.
VA Skogmo-GRA E3 Ullensaker municipality 28.09.2018 12.00
Operation of Crisis and Incest Centre for Hvaler and Fredrikstad municipalities
Framework Agreement for consultancy services for Export Credit Norway
Procurement of prescription and retail data solution for hospital pharmacies
Framework agreement for Plumber Services
Estate agent services — Sale of municipal housing
Procurement of laundry services for Rakkestad municipality
Sludge collection in Rygge, Råde, Våler and Moss.
Framework agreement for land acquisition services for Hordaland County
Audit services for Askøy kommune and Bergen kirkelige fellesråd [Church Council] (BKF) including 25 parishes in Bergen.
Project support for Hordaland and Sogn og Fjordane counties in connection with the Norwegian Regional Reform
Procurement of digital communication tool for the youth and education sector 20.08.2018 12.00
Procurement of Marketing Services 31.08.2018 12.00
Collection and Transport of Sludge 20.08.2018 23.59
Monitoring of climate gases on marshes in connection with restoration. 08.10.2018 10.00
Project management and consultancy services, the Edmonton Symptom Assessment System (ESAS) 17.08.2018 12.00
Tipper truck with addition for the emptying of a mobile waste suction system 20.08.2018 12.00
Expansion of Finnfjord industrial area
Hiiumaa spordikeskuse ja ümbritseva väliruumi arhitektuurivõistlus

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