
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30
Overskrift Tilbudsfrist
Hofte- og kneproteser samt trykkspylesett og sement til Helse Nord, dokumenter til høring
18_3767 Evaluering av tilskudd til kommunenes bosettings- og integreringsarbeid 14.08.2018 12.00
Construction Management and Skilled Engineers Evenes — Framework Agreement
Bus as a Service (BaaS) 19.07.2018 09.00
Kragerø Municipality — New Water and Sewage Top System 31.08.2018 12.00
187693 — Oslo Airport — Sign Maintenance and Season Decorations 01.08.2018 12.00
Framework agreement for the procurement of water and sewage material
Security guard services
AMO-course, professional driver classification CE.
Helsevakt Fredrikstad, Våler, Råde, and Hvaler kommune [municipality]
Prior Information Notice Fleet Management System Caradmin
Research programme for entrepreneurship and growth 05.09.2018 12.00
School transport by boat Kjeøy - Vikaskjæret 04.07.2018 09.00
Framework Agreement for the delivery of control, servicing, repairs and maintenance of lift installations to the municipalities of Fredrikstad and Hvaler
Transport services — Tour bus services
Transport services — particularly traffic dangerous school routes
Organisation Development
Competition for IT services connected to a public cloud, consultancy services and operation for the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund 20.08.2018 10.00
Transport of packages and goods (Aids) 20.08.2018 16.00
Technical-financial review of the street network in the centre of Ås 03.09.2018 12.00
Building / joinery services for Helgeland Hospital 17.08.2018 12.00
Plumbing services for Helgeland Hospital 17.08.2018 12.00
Ventilation services for Helgeland Hospital 17.08.2018 12.00
Electrician services for Helgeland Hospital 17.08.2018 12.00
Digitising of the property archive in Fredrikstad kommune 03.09.2018 10.00
Facilitation of ICT Consultancy Services 22.08.2018 12.00
Individual Framework Agreement for the procurement of IT services for the implementation of the digitising project “Medietilsynet — digital hverdag” [the Norwegian Media Authority — Digital Life] 20.08.2018 15.00
Technical courses and conference organiser 2018 — 2022 15.08.2018 12.00
Framework Agreement for Cooling Services 24.08.2018 12.00
Parallel Framework Agreement — procurement of helicopter services in the Northern Region 04.09.2018 12.00
Appraisal and valuation services 31.08.2018 12.00
Procurement of cloud based security service 30.07.2018 12.00
Procurement of outpatient radiology services
Dialogue conference for the procurement of a new case and archive system for Trøndelag County
Consumables (equipment dependent) for the Eye Department at Østfold Hospital
Books and media for libraries
Parts and consumables for cars and goods vans
1000605 Ås User Equipment K901.08 C-arm 31.08.2018 12.00
Framework Agreement for purchase of access control systems, locks and fittings for foreign missions 31.08.2018 12.00
Framework agreement for software 24.08.2018 10.00
EEA 020-2018 Framework Agreement for construction materials for Bergen municipality and collaborating partners 23.08.2018 12.00
ICT Equipment 22.08.2018 12.00
Radiology consumables: Stent retriever for thrombectomy 24.08.2018 12.00
Vestfossen skole [Vestfossen School] — playground equipment 14.08.2018 12.00
Hygiene products for the health trusts in Helse Sør-Øst
One-to-one meetings — Toppsystem
Construction of new sheltered accommodations, Diskosveien 24.08.2018 13.00
Reserve water supply Nedre Romerike Waterworks - Ullensaker municipality, Contract 3 14.08.2018 12.00
New laboratory building at Valgrinda
U1950 EFU-10079 Holen School — demolition, turnkey contract 07.09.2018 12.00

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