Overskrift |
Tilbudsfrist |
Anskaffelse - Rammeavtale for mindre anleggsarbeider |
IPS St. Olav |
07.02.2018 11.00 |
Forsøk med resultatbasert finansiering av oppfølging - Sarpsborg |
26.02.2018 12.00 |
Veiledene kunngjøring: Anskaffelse av oljeprodukter: Fyringsolje og anleggsdiesel (petrokjemiske prosesser) og Biofyringsolje og biodiesel (fornybar biomasse basis) |
17/1920 Kalendere og planleggingsverktøy |
Rammeavtale for forvaltning av Microsoft lisenser (LSP - License Service Provider) |
15.02.2018 13.00 |
Systemdeler, låskomponenter og låssystem samt service og vedlikehold på lås/beslag til OUS HF, Ullevål sykehus |
19.12.2017 11.00 |
Totalentreprise vei, va, el-tele-it, og lark, Hemmingsjordlia boligfelt |
Utskifting av NAH armaturer til LED i Molde Kommune |
02.02.2018 14.00 |
Tilbudskonkurranse ved anskaffelse av rekrutteringsverktøy for Vestfold og Telemark fylkeskommune |
06.02.2018 12.00 |
Anskaffelse av multifunksjonsmaskiner med tilhørende vedlikeholds- og driftsavtale |
01 Brannbil |
02.02.2018 12.00 |
Anskaffelse av traktor |
25.01.2018 12.00 |
18/00040 Anskaffelse av plasttunnel og inventar |
22.01.2018 12.00 |
Tilbudsforespørsel på leveranse av banktjenester for trekkfasiliteter og lån |
18.02.2018 12.00 |
Langsgående vegoppmerking med vannbasert maling. Region midt 2018-2019 (1) |
19.02.2018 12.00 |
KANSELLERT: Konsulent til gjennomgang av Cash Management-funksjonen |
Rehabilitering av kunstgressdekke i Hålogalandshallen |
09.02.2018 12.00 |
Glenne III - VA |
05.02.2018 23.59 |
Generalentreprise: Nustadjordet Omsorgsboliger |
Formidling av hytter/ferieleiligheter til ansatte i Bærum kommune |
EMM for DDV |
09.02.2018 15.00 |
K911.11 Endoskopi - demonstrasjonsdag |
Pumpestasjoner Lesjaskog-Bjorli |
05.02.2018 13.00 |
Parkering kulturhuset |
05.02.2018 12.00 |
VA- Bjerkelundsveien- Bokfinkveien |
186933 — Avinor AS — OJTI — On Job Training Course and Refresher Course |
186460 — Avinor AS — AFIS basic training |
Water and Sewage, Skogmo-Gardermoen Treatment Plant: Pipeline Contract 1 |
16.02.2018 12.00 |
Framework agreement for job seeker courses in Oppland |
12.02.2018 12.00 |
Driving licence heavy vehicle - Individual places |
07.02.2018 11.00 |
Professional driver training, classification D |
Labour market initiative - Training (AMO): Young IN, Porsgrunn |
02.02.2018 10.00 |
Cleaning Stokka nursing home and Bergåstjern nursing home |
16.01.2018 12.00 |
HRO Vadsø nursing home and day centre — engineering design |
08.01.2018 12.00 |
Framework agreement for technical marine consultancy services |
Procurement of technical assistance development contract hydrogen - electrical ferry |
Open tender contest for the procurement of ‘Inn på tunet’ [[At the Farm] - day offer for younger persons with dementia. |
Transport of containers, treatment plant-Bingsa, 2017 |
Ice Breaker Stand-by and Ice Breaking for the Winter Season, Drammensfjorden, Moss and Halden |
Follow-up Horten |
Transport and treatment of food waste |
Framework agreement for consultancy services, user adoption and project support. |
Biological and chemical examinations with classification for lakes in Hordaland in 2018. |
20170027 Framework agreement relocation services |
A geodata system for Kragerø municipality |
Framework agreement ARP |
Framework agreement for printing services and printed matter |
Framework agreement media monitoring services |
Evaluation of the conversation process in the Family Law Courts for child protection and social cases |
Design and exhibition lighting. |
Competition for strategic and operational advertising agency services |
12.02.2018 12.00 |
Procurement of .net system architect for the Norwegian Parliament´s NPOS project |
09.02.2018 12.00 |
Project support for the delegation project |
12.02.2018 12.00 |
EEA 040-2017 Framework agreement laundry services |
29.01.2018 12.00 |
Transport services for persons with reduced function return work and activity offer and day offer |
16.02.2018 12.00 |
Procurement of safety creating services and technology (alarm technology) |
05.02.2018 12.00 |
Framework agreement for communication services |
06.02.2018 12.00 |
Framework agreement for the procurement of fuel and car-related accessories |
15.02.2018 12.00 |
2017 Dental equipment |
29.01.2018 12.00 |
Framework Agreement — Wool Terry and Other Wool Products for the Norwegian Armed Forces |
10.01.2018 14.00 |
Cleaning Items |
Automatic Drink Vending Machines |
Framework agreements Locks and fittings |
Sludge suction machine 2017 |
Vehicle contract for Tysfjord municipality |
13.02.2018 12.00 |
Procurement of a framework agreement for cameras/sensors along roads with the accompanying equipment and services |
12.02.2018 12.00 |
Framework Agreement Charging Points for Electric Vehicles |
13.02.2018 12.00 |
A fire engine for Alta kommune [Alta municipality]. |
17.01.2018 16.00 |
Procurement of weather balloons |
01.03.2018 12.00 |
Lighting accessories and electrical supplies |
05.02.2018 00.00 |
Prior information notice gastrostomy products for the companies in Helse Sør-Øst |
Award of Contract - Framework agreement machine contractor services Western Region - Bergen |
Turnkey contractor, relaying foundations and renovation of Grønland nursery, exterior is worthy of preservation |
Prosjektledere – tjenester for INTRO-kurs – Regional omstilling |
23.01.2018 12.00 |