
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008
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Overskrift Tilbudsfrist
Låneopptak Fauske kommune 30.01.2015 12.00
Sporrenser for fjerning av snø og is under skinnetopp, rammeavtale
POD2014-003 Anskaffelse av bistand til medarbeiderundersøkelser
Konsulentstøtte til utarbeidelse av konseptvalgutredning (KVU) for Den Nationale Scene, Bergen
Rammeavtale tidsskrifter
12/2014 Lederutvikling, rammeavtale
Rammeavtale for leie av gravemaskin 18.02.2015 14.00
Rammeavtale om levering av arbeidstøy, fottøy og personlig verneutstyr
Breiband Luster kommune 20.02.2015 13.00
Brokknett og fikseringsmekanismer for nett
Analyse- metode- og rådgivningstjenester IKT
Hytterenovasjon og gjenvinningsstasjoner 2015 - 2017(2018) 02.02.2015 12.00
Industriområde Tjemslandsmarka 27.01.2015 13.00
11481 - NIH - Rigg og drift 06.02.2015 14.00
VAF-F2014.023 Innkjøp - Integrasjon- og mangfoldsledelse
Rådgivningstjenester. Utredning av hvordan Drammen Kommune kan etablere et eget eiendomsselskap for byutvikling og utvikling av kommunal eiendom 19.01.2015 12.00
E18 Riksgrensen-Ørje 18.03.2015 12.00
Kjøp av konsulenttjeneste kontraktsrådgiver og innkjøp 02.02.2015 12.00
E134 Damåsen - Saggrenda - delstrekning 1 26.02.2015 12.00
Tromsøbadet - Entreprise 69BAT, Bassengtekniske arbeider 20.02.2015 13.00
Renovering/gjenoppbygning etter brann i vertikaldelt bolig
Åse Omsorgssenter og interkommunal legevakt - rehabilitering og nybygg - SD-anlegg 09.02.2015 12.00
Åse Omsorgssenter og interkommunal legevakt - rehabilitering og nybygg - reservekraft 09.02.2015 12.00
Rådgivning, forsknings- og analysetjenester
Tofte samfunnshus - arbeider uteområder 30.01.2015 12.00
Konsulenttjenester for Energiutnyttelse på avløpssystemet 09.02.2015 12.00
Debt collection and billing service. 22.01.2015 12.00
Expansion of Langevatn Water Treatment Plant - E71. Preparatory works.
Analyses — method — and consultancy services ICT.
Consultancy, research and analysis services.
POD2014-003 Procurement of assistance for Employee Surveys.
2014/1268 Insurance services.
Pilot Project for strengthening specialist health service options in Alta/West Finnmark. Purchase of project support and/or design assistance.
Architect services.
Framework agreement for consultancy services within the waste sector. 02.02.2015 12.00
Consultancy services, Designing, project management and construction management. 11.02.2015 12.00
Loan Fauske municipality. 30.01.2015 12.00
Manager development services. 13.02.2015 12.00
Framework agreement insurance services. 13.02.2015 15.00
Cottage sanitation and recycling stations 2015-2017 (2018). 02.02.2015 12.00
Procurement of framework agreement for the maintenance and development of the Directorate's websites. 03.02.2015 12.00
Procurement of a regional supply system in Helse Sør-Øst.
Customer survey services
Tug boat.
Procurement of burnt lime.
Award of contract boat for the Parks Department.
Framework agreement for supply of work wear, footwear and personal protective wear.
Insulators for contact wire installations.
Connector and disconnector switches and maneouver machines for contact line installations.
Track cleaner for removal of snow and ice under rail top, framework agreement.
Printed and digital teaching aids.
Signed contract: Procurement of reagents, test cells and consumables, as well as a service and maintenance contract for ID-Gelstation Plus.
Framework agreement, periodicals.
Procurement of sanitation equipment.
Office supplies, computer accessories, free school materials etc.
Autoclave Op.Dep/Sterile Centre SSF. 09.02.2015 12.00
Bardu municipality — wheeled loader. 05.02.2015 12.00
Framework agreement for AV-equipment, meeting room engineering and associated services. 16.02.2015 12.00
Competition with negotiation for the purchase of framework agreements for SD system, automatic field equipment and associated services. 19.01.2015 11.00
Emptying sludge for Leirfjord Municipality. 02.02.2015 12.00
119-BYM-2014 Framework agreement lighting equipment for the centre of Oslo. 09.02.2015 12.00
Procurement of electrical energy for the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund. 10.02.2015 12.00
EEA 004-2014 Framework agreement flowers (2). 02.02.2015 12.00
Ground works, terminal area — contract B4.
Extension new nursing home places.
11481 — NIH — Rigging and operations. 06.02.2015 14.00
E134 Damåsen - Saggrenda - sub stretch1. 26.02.2015 12.00
Paving and asphalting works

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