EU tender for construction of fire engines, fire engines (5,000 litre), water tenders (8,000 litre) and water tenders (13,000 litre)


03 - Kontraktstildeling
Åpen anbudskonkurranse
13.12.2018 13.11 (GMT+01:00)


Beredskabsstyrelsen Beredskabsstyrelsen
Mikkel Bjerrregaard Jensen Mikkel Bjerrregaard Jensen
Datavej 16
3460 Birkerød

Kort beskrivelse

The framework agreements is divided into 4 lots.

Lot 1 - Construction of fire engine
Lot 2 - Construction of fire engine (5,000 litre)
Lot 3 - Construction of water tender (8,000 litre)
Lot 4 - Construction of water tender (13,000 litre)

The chassis is not included in the call for tenders.  
The framework agreement is not exclusive and does not contain terms for minimum supply. Based on expectation the estimated volume of all the lots over a 4 year period will be around 35-42 million DKK. The amount is not binding and there is no obligation to a binding volume.

The Danish Emergency Management Agency and all other authorities under the Danish Ministry of Defence may place orders via the framework agreements.
The Danish municipal fire and rescue services, are original parties to the framework agreement and are permitted to order via this framework agreement. See the list in the contract notice VI.3) and appendix 3.

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