SAN (or vSAN) Server infrastructure pk-ITD-18-0043


05.11.2018 10.36 (GMT+01:00)
27.11.2018 21.00 (GMT+01:00)


Palink UAB Palink UAB
Kristina Senkutė Kristina Senkutė
Lentvario g. 33
LT-02241 Vilnius

Dato for innlevering er passert

Kort beskrivelse

UAB  Palink announces tender for  SAN infrastructure renewal price inquiry (procurement) and inviting to send your offers.
Two different infrastructure solution options (SAN or software defined SAN) will be compared and only one selected for deployment.
All the prices  in the tender Documents must be presented in  EUR without VAT in net prices.
Purchaser recomends to provide price proposal as separate document as attachment via Mercell platform, that covers all requested information and other exceptions, terms and conditions of proposal.
Delivery place UAB "Palink" ,  Lentvario g. 33, LT-02241 Vilnius.
Proposal must be set up via  Mercell platform  by 2018.11.27
If you need more information about purchase please do not hesitate to contact Igoris Novikovas, tel. 37065592358; el.paštas:

If you have  Mercell platform questions please do not hesitate to contact  Manager Ritą Kindurytę tel. +370 655 82875, el.paštas:
Palink is going to buy the server hardware to ensure the renewal of current server infrastructure. Depending on selected option the traditional SAN or vSAN infrastructure will be deployed. The tenderer also should provide a proposal to design and deploy the solution in Palink datacentre

Filer (klikk på filnavn for å laste ned)

Tittel Størrelse
Copy of Pagrindinė informacija apie įmonę.xlsx 23 KB
IT_Prekiu pirkimo pardavimo tipine sutartis_Priedas Nr. 2.docx 26 KB
IT_Prekiu pirkimo pardavimo tipine sutartis_Priedas Nr. 1.docx 26 KB
IT_Prekiu pirkimo pardavimo tipine sutartis.docx 40 KB

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