Corporate Actions Data


02 - Kunngjøring
Åpen anbudskonkurranse
22.12.2018 09.49 (GMT+01:00)


The IT and Development Agency on behalf of the Danish Customs and Tax Administration, under the ministry of Taxation The IT and Development Agency on behalf of the Danish Customs and Tax Administration, under the ministry of Taxation
Cindy Thorhauge
Osvald Helmuths Vej 4
2000 Frederiksberg

Konkurransen er kansellert

Kort beskrivelse

The supplier shall deliver Corporate Actions Data regarding specific ISIN-codes provided by the customer. The customer expects to request the Supplier for Corporate Actions Data regarding international ISIN-codes only, as the customer expects to obtain Corporate Actions Data for Danish companies from other sources. The customer expects to request the Supplier for delivery of Corporate Actions Data for approximately 15 000 ISIN-codes in the first taxation year of the Contract (2019). In the remaining duration of the contract, the customer expects an increase in the number of ISIN-codes, to which the Supplier shall deliver Corporate Actions Data, corresponding to 5-10 % yearly. The supplier shall provide support to a reasonable extent related to the necessary clarifications regarding the deliverables and regarding adjustments to the Customer’s delivery of ISIN-codes and/or the suppliers delivery of Corporate Actions Data in accordance with the supplier’s standard terms.

Mercell Norge AS

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